Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh the rain....

If you look closely, it has rained so much the water has come
right up over the bridge!!
There is so much of it!! GAH! This is supposed to be the rainiest month of the year in Jinhua, and so far it has proved to be correct. This causes a few problems, but most importantly, the main problem is laundry. Since we hang our clothes to dry, and it is not sunny long enough to totally dry them, this leaves a really nice fragrance on your hoodies of...mildew? Love.

The second problem is state of mind. Rain, as we know helps many things, but your good mood is not one of them when it is raining for days on end. Most days right now are wet and dreary - with some sunshine mixed in there somewhere. Trying to pull yourself out of a funk when it is hard to get some outdoor time and soak in some much needed Vitamin D, is one of the drawbacks of a rainy season. I know it will be over soon, and I will be talking about how ridiculously hot it is outside, but for now the rain is upon bring it on mother nature.

I am having a really hard time right now with the decision to come back next year. There is a a continuous feeling apprehension on many levels. The only positive I can see right now are the students, and the money. Almost all the teachers are leaving, including our principal, our secretary, and there is a new change in management on the Chinese side. An odd time for change...almost nearing the end of the school year, but such is the case. Change of secretary sucks, but in this situation, this is a huge deal. Secretaries are the glue. The glue that holds everything together, especially here at our school. I think it is actually the biggest problem we are going to face out of all of the above issues. Since the pay for the secretary job is terrible, finding a qualified, english speaking, hard working individual for the job is really hard. With all of the translation that has to happen between the students, the parents, the Chinese side, our side, our Canadian side, report cards, visa issues, transportation, communication, university application forms, the list goes on and on, having a secretary who has a very hard time speaking English makes it really really hard to communicate. Not to mention the copious amounts of things Harriet (our previous secretary) did for us that has made our life here much easier, her list of amazingness could go on forever. Her replacement "Strawberry" who we have now shortened to "Berry" for professional reasons has been working for us for three days, with the help of Harriet. When Harriet is gone I might cry, but here is to hoping that Berry can do the job.

Change is a good thing. We all need change, and anyone who knows me, knows that my life is in a constant state of change. I do well with change in most cases, and this could be a positive experience. An entirely new staff and management could mean endless possibilities for this school. Right now there  are issues that I cannot fully understand with the Education system here. I have had four students leave the program I am teaching to do TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) full time in order to get into an American program instead of a Canadian University. The students are somehow being filled with the idea that they will be able to breeze through the SAT exam, and that going to an American University is much more prestigious than going to Canada. I want to add that when they choose to leave the program (which is three years long) they forfeit any money they have paid. They pay the three years in advance (around fourty thousand) and they do not get any of this money back. It is something that I am having a hard time understanding, it is important to note that the Principal of the Chinese school has his daughter in the American program and not our Canadian one, which is setting the precedent for the students and parents in our program. When they see that the Management is not taking advantage of our program, it gives parents a message that going to America is a much better option.

There is so much more to the ins and outs of obtaining a foreign University Degree for these kids, and their belief in American education, but what it comes down to for me is that I am worried that numbers are going to be less and less, as more students leave, they follow the others lead. No students, no job, even if they paid for three years. I wish them the best of luck, but when you are learning all of your English language from a Chinese teacher, who does not speak to you in English, how will you advance your skills? Anyways, I digress. Without two years teaching experience my options are limited, but I am trying to remain positive and remember that we are where we are for a reason, and although I may not be able to see the "why" or the purpose right now, when I look back, something will have made sense, it has tooo! Until I find my next adventure (or it finds me, as it usually does)...which I hope lies in clean air, mountains and swimmable water....I will have to somehow find some inner peace in this crazy country.

I have added some photo's which have nothing to do with my blog above...hahaha, but I spent some time this weekend eating some yummy food, drinking some wine and hanging with friends. Wine helps. It really really does. :). I hope you enjoy - oh and I am VERY happy to say that my  Uncle Paul has made it through heart surgery like a BOSS!!! It makes my heart feel so happy that he is doing well and kicking butt. Without that little ticker that works so hard for us every day, none of these worries, adventures and sharing of stories would be possible.

A rare sunny day...time to go outside!!
Essay writing 101.

Be jealous. SO GOOD.

Hot Pot at a friends house.

Be careful, they like it spicy. I was sweating. 

I couldn't actually get a translation for these...although they were very slimy..

Out host.
These are some sort of seafood in a ball. I wouldn't suggest it. I took a bite...but then was very sneaky and put it in Lucy's bowl. :).

Fish and Eliza, our hosts.

This is Ding Dong. Hahahaha..he dances, stands up straight, plays dead. Fantastic.

Come on! Who makes these??

Eliza and Lucy.

Wine Bar (which I am pretty sure just doubles as a place to play Poker, since gambling is "illegal" in China)

Wine, courtesy of the owner. 

The owner of the wine bar - who also has just had a new baby who cried every time I held her. Win.

LUCY!!! xo

Lucy, Asaad and meeeeeee.

We are funny obviously.


Ice Wine from Niagara Falls!! YEOWWW!!

This one is better. Very handsome looking group. xo

Eliza and Fish.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I often get asked what I eat here in China. For those of you who know me, it is pretty much Heaven. Noodles. Noodles. More Noodles, Dumplings and Rice. AND, I don't even have to make an excuse to eat them! They are just always around! (screw you low carb diet!)

I decided to take note of what I eat and experience in a day - and then blog about it. Ha! In doing this, it made me realize just how lucky I am. (yes the emotional roller coaster is still on track!). Seriously though, when you take photo's of everything you do in a day, and really think about all of the things you have in your life, it gives you an entirely new outlook and appreciation for what we have. I realized I really needed to look at all of the wonderful advantages there are to teaching and living in China. It is a bit of a sacrifice, don't get me wrong, but there are some upsides to it. And food is one!

Things I realized taking photo's and thinking about my life here in China.

  • I eat a lot of noodles!
  • My job is pretty awesome, and gives me a lot of time to work on me.
  • I have really cool friends who also eat really good food (and own yummy restaurants!).
  • Eating out with friends was the best idea i've had yet, best remedy for your heart.
  • My friends love to eat! (who knew?!)
  • Aunt Pat and Uncle Paul would LOVE to try all of the food here.
  • I rarely cook at home - something I need to work on - but eating out is SO CHEAP and so goood.
  • I will walk and bike great distances to get to my favourite dumpling place. Chris Walker you should be jealous!!!
  • I have cut back on Snickers Bars by about 90%!
  • Food is good for your Soul 
  • I learned about these bad boys...
  • Tea Eggs - Eggs boiled in tea - they are really really yummy - not to be confused with Pee Eggs which are given out in the Spring and the eggs are boiled in young boys urine. (the boys must be under the age of 10) Then eaten by the locals. I wish I was joking. I'm not sure what happens to your urine after you are 10 years old, but it is not good enough to be boiled in the urine. Our secretary is bringing some pee eggs back from her home town tomorrow. I'll let you know if I get up the nerve...
  • I really want dumplings as I am writing this blog, not pee eggs.

The past week has been a food adventure - tonight I am going to a friends house for some Iraqi food, I have no idea what this will entail, but I am super excited. Last night was Korean, the night before, Chinese dinner, and before that Sushi. All were Awesome. So here are some photo's and a little adventure in the life of Melanie and the kinds of foods I eat every day. YUMMM. 

This is how most Chinese restaurants seem to be set up. Big round table with LOTS of food. (and in the winter no heat!) Everyone shares. Lots of little dishes and everyone digs in. So get your chop stick skills down before you embark on one of these places! Also, if you invite everyone out for food, you pay. Don't even think about offering money because the person buying will bite your head off. At least that is my experience so far.

Gramma's - across the road from our school
The first place that I eat at almost every other day and is called Gramma's. It is directly across the road from the school, I get noodles with red bean paste and "pork". It costs me about one dollar to eat this giant bowl of noodles.

Olives and Hummus - SO YUMMY.

I have talked about Danny's quite a bit - and for good reason. Danny and Lucy are good friends and they make some pretty fantastic food and more importantly - coffee. They have introduced me to some new food, new restaurants (including the Korean one we went to last night) and tonight, Iraqi Food!! <3
I also kicked Lucy's ass at Jenga. Yep.
Lucy and Danny attempted an outdoor BBQ the other night. Basically put some coals in a bowl - light them on fire - (or try to anyways!) Put a grill on top, layer your meat and BAM! BBQ. (or you could do what Danny did, and since he could not get the coals going, just bring the meat inside and cook it in the restaurant. teeheeheeee

Like any good friends, when McDonalds is brought to town, Melanie got a Big Mac. OMG. I know what your thinking...why?? but go six months without China, you would have one too! I know it!!
Curry Fish. YUMMMM.
This is Sai - he owns a Chinese Restaurant that I just experienced the other day. The fish dish that we ate - Thai Curry something or other was amazing. BEST part was the fish had NO BONES!!! That seems to be rare here -Sai also gave us a bottle of wine that was NOT from China. Chinese wine to be frank, sucks. It was an added bonus to our already yummy meal. 

New friends, who are just Awesome. Craig and Sai.
Craig does not drink saddest news, I had to drink most of it myself....hehehe
Fried Rice and some sort of egg plant dish, MSG added for free ;)
At Sai's restaurant.  

The Chinese school takes our staff out for dinner every so often. The dishes are always interesting, and most times we have to ask what we are eating. Colleen was attemting to eat this piece of meat that she just could not break down. We found out it is actually pig stomach. Yummmm. More to come on some big changes happening in the Chinese School and our school as well.

The Korean Restaurant was so YUMMY! Danny, Lucy Sai and myself went there last night. We ate some really good food - and I think it might have even been MSG freeeeee!!! Amazing!!!

So your going to cook right at our table? YEAH!!! She turned this....
and this....into
THIS! Which we wrapped in...

Lettuce!! And mixed in the sauces from the picture above. SO GOOD.  Then we ate...
These are little rice cake sort of things..thick, very thick noodles. And Spicy.
Calamari - yes please.

I am unsure....
And they had SUSHI!!!

Bones...but very few...
Team DINNER!!! (Although I have been told it looks like Sai might be holding my hand, I assure you he is not, beautiful daughter and wife)
Asaad  is hooking up the Iraqi DINS!!!
Lucy. xo

Street Food - Always good for the bowels. 

Oh little lamby...i know your fate...
If you were wondering what happened to your is right here, being killed on the street. Unbelievable!
Yep. Turtle Soup. Turtle by the way is very chewy - and not something I would ever eat again, but I was told it was expensive so EAT!! :)
Okay. Sometimes I cook for myself. French Toast Baby!!
Peanut Noodles - at the same Dumpling place that I LOVE. 

 To end this blog today, I will show you a little bit of Spring time!! It has been so beautiful here. 30 degrees yesterday! Trees are blooming, the smell of fresh flowers is in the air, and it is wonderful. I cannot believe how it has gone from totally freezing around here, to yesterday shorts and a tank top. Crazy. Such is the roller coaster of China I guess. This blooming, warm weather and the ability to be outside sure has made my mood about a hundred times better.

I hope you are enjoying your time wherever you are in the world, and that you take note of everything you are able to do in a day - try it - it can make all the difference.

LOL. Seriously. I love Chinese Translations.


These trees are all around the school...they smell wonderful and look beautiful!!