My Students ROCK!

What was I thinking? A poetry unit? How I was going to pull this one off? I had no idea, but I had a feeling that I really wanted to test drive this whole poetry thing. What I didn't know is just how AWESOME this unit would turn out to be. After taking the students work down and throwing it in the garbage (very dramatic and very teacher like....) telling them that they were not doing their best work, they listened. Each class is different, and I knew for these students, this would really hit home for them, and hopefully they would hear what I was trying to say. I had allowed the students to hand in less than their best work. I realized (or was reminded) that when you lower your standards, the students meet them. (this could also be a metaphor for life, but that would be another blog!) So, I upped the standards. And these students went above and beyond.
I reminded the students that they should be handing in work they are proud of. Work that they want to show their parents, friends and family. Work they can look back on in ten years and be proud of it. So, we started the poetry unit. What I learned is that poetry is an unbelievable way for these students to express themselves with very little worry about grammar. They excelled! What I learned is that they have no idea how to rhyme...but that is a whole other story. I have uploaded just some of the amazing poetry that these students created. I am so proud, and more than anything, I am happy that they are proud of what they have done and learned about themselves.
I wish I could add more, because they really are amazing. I hope you enjoy.
This is Ayemos. The below are just a few of her poems. That is also her dedication at the beginning of her anthology. |
This is Bubble. The following poems are hers. She is also an artist. With each poem she PAINTED a picture. These are her drawings and her paintings in digital form. She has created a hard cover book to publish her poetry. |
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